Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Back to School Safety Tips

Now that most families are back from summer vacation, many children have returned to school. This means more traffic on the road and an increased risk of accidents. Keeping kids safe as they travel to and from school is crucial whether they walk, take the bus, or get a ride home from their parents.
Below are some safety tips to ensure your children remain safe during the school year. And, if your child is hurt on their way to or from school, our personal injury attorneys in Rock Hill are here to help.

An Overview of School Safety Tips

Returning to school after a fun summer can be a difficult transition. Most children need time to adjust to a new routine. It is natural to feel a bit overwhelmed by the requirements of a new school year, but there are simple rules kids can follow to stay safe.

Make sure your children understand the importance of following these safety tips:

  • Report suspicious activity to a teacher or administrator they trust.
  • Never leave school grounds with an adult they don’t know.
  • Follow all teachers’ rules in the classroom and on the playground.
  • Listen to bus drivers, school crossing guards, and other adults in charge of their safety.

Safety Tips While Riding the Bus

Your child should stand at least six feet from the curb while waiting for the bus. This protects them from any vehicles passing the bus stop.

When boarding and getting off the bus, your child should walk far enough in front of the bus to stay within the driver’s field of vision, generally about 10 feet. If they walk too closely in front of the bus, the driver might not see them. Your child should be able to see the driver, too. Teach your child to make eye contact with the driver so they know the driver is aware of them.

Safety Tips for Walking Home from School

To walk home from school safely, your child should:

  • Always use the sidewalk. If there isn’t a sidewalk, they should walk facing oncoming traffic and at a safe distance from the road so drivers can see them.
  • Cross streets at crosswalks or intersections and make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
  • Avoid distractions, such as looking down at a cell phone.
  • Be aware of traffic, other pedestrians, bicyclists, and other surroundings.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street.

Driving to School Safety Tips

Sadly, our car accident lawyers in Rock Hill have seen firsthand how dangerous the combination of young children, distractions, and inexperienced drivers can be.

You may need to take extra precautions when driving your kids to and from school, especially in school zones and during rush-hour traffic.

Follow these tips when driving your children to school to stay safe:

  • Be aware of school zones and adjust your speed accordingly.
  • Watch for children walking to or from school and drive slowly to be able to stop for them at crosswalks and intersections.
  • Make eye contact with children attempting to cross the street so they know they can proceed.
  • Never pass a stopped school bus with flashing lights. Stop and wait for the lights to turn off before proceeding.
  • Maintain a safe distance from school buses while driving behind them.

If you or your child was injured in a collision near school, contact a car accident attorney in Rock Hill for help.

Call Stewart Law Offices Today

At Stewart Law Offices, our personal injury lawyers in Rock Hill fight for the rights of those injured by negligence in Rock Hill. We have extensive experience helping adults and children recover fair compensation when someone else’s carelessness causes them harm. Let us fight for you. Contact us for a free case evaluation today.

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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Join Us in Recognizing Child Passenger Safety Week September 18-24

The legal team at Stewart Law Offices invites you to join us as we recognize Child Passenger Safety Week from September 18-24, 2022. We are passionate about giving back to the communities we serve and advocating for children and families throughout South Carolina and North Carolina. Please read on to learn more about Child Passenger Safety Week and what you can do to protect infant and child passengers.

What Is Child Passenger Safety Week?

Child Passenger Safety Week is a national campaign that takes place every September. Organized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the campaign highlights the importance of protecting our youngest and most vulnerable road users by ensuring that children are properly secured in car seats or seatbelts. The week features car seat safety tips and information for parents and other caregivers.

The week culminates with National Seat Check Saturday, where parents and caregivers can get advice from certified child passenger safety technicians on selecting the right car seat or booster seat for their children. National Seat Check Saturday is recognized in communities across the United States and includes free demonstrations of proper installation and use of car seats and booster seats.

Facts to Know about Child Passenger Safety

Unfortunately, car crashes are a leading cause of death for children in the U.S. According to the NHTSA, more than 600 child passengers died in traffic crashes in one recent year, nearly 40 percent of whom were unrestrained. That same year, approximately two children under 13 were killed and 374 were injured each day while riding in passenger vehicles. 

Here are some tips for keeping child passengers safe:

  • Children under 13 should always ride in the back seat and use booster seats until they outgrow the maximum height and weight limits set by the manufacturer.
  • Infants should always ride in rear-facing infant seats until they outgrow them, at which point they should sit in rear-facing car seats.
  • A child should use a booster seat until they can sit with the vehicle’s seat belt lying across their lap and over their chest and shoulder (not around their neck).
  • About half of all infant seats and booster seats are not correctly installed. Your local police or fire department, local non-profits, or local auto dealerships may have programs where safety technicians can teach you how to install and use an infant seat or booster seat properly.
  • Infant and booster seats should always be replaced after a moderate or severe motor vehicle accident or when the seat has visible signs of damage.

If your child was injured in a car accident, the legal team at Stewart Law Offices can help you pursue compensation and accountability from the at-fault party. We are committed to providing compassionate, thoughtful legal representation to injury victims across South and North Carolina. Let us handle your case so you can focus on moving on with your life. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Carolina personal injury lawyer and find out what our firm can do for you. 

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